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Services for drying, cleaning, storage of grain

Услуги по сушке, очистке, хранению зерна


Grain purity – this is an indicator of its quality.
Grain cleaning — an important process that directly affects the cost of grain. The quality of cleaning and losses during the process depend on specialists, acquired experience and proper use of equipment.
Primary grain cleaning is carried out for freshly harvested crops, which not only increases the value of the grain, but also prevents its infestation by pests and damage from moisture from weeds. At the stage of primary cleaning, large impurities and light particles (dust) are separated from the grain mass. After such cleaning, the content of impurities in the grain does not exceed 3%, the product becomes suitable for harvesting.
For advice and questions, call enterprise specialists.

Grain drying

Drying is an important technological stage that completes grain processing, during which the raw material is brought to standard humidity (grain up to 14%, rapeseed oilseeds up to 7%).
Grain drying is carried out on KZSV-40 and DSP-50.
During the grain drying process, active control of temperature and humidity is carried out. This allows you to most accurately reduce the moisture content of the grain, eliminating overdrying. Drying of grain occurs by circulating it through drying chambers until the required humidity is equalized. This process is under the control of the operator and laboratory specialists.
To get advice and ask questions, call the company’s specialists. Employees will tell you about the grain drying service at the company’s sites and give you an idea of the price.


Storage is a set of measures that contribute to the preservation of grain reserves. The success of storage depends on the preparation of storage facilities and adherence to storage conditions.
Before loading storage facilities with grain from a new harvest, containers are disinfected using wet, aerosol or gas methods. The grain is first dried, cleaned of weed seeds, lumps of earth and other debris to basic conditions.
Granaries reliably protect the contents from external factors: precipitation, direct sunlight, groundwater, insects, rodents and birds. After planting, cleaning, drying and before shipping the crops, we do a full laboratory analysis of the grain.
In the elevator we maintain the optimal storage temperature - it is only 7–8 ℃ higher than outside. To maintain an optimal microclimate in granaries we use the following devices:
- thermo-hygrometer - controls the relative humidity of the air to prevent mold from appearing;
- gas analyzer - helps to analyze the air, determine the concentration of inert gases, track the amount of oxygen in the warehouse;
The devices constantly monitor indoor conditions and cover all indicators for quality storage.
To get advice and ask questions, call the company’s specialists. Employees will tell you about the grain storage service at the company’s sites and give you an idea of the price.

Warehouse services (loading/unloading, etc.)

Transshipment services include all types of loading and unloading operations in bulk or in containers. When performing, both technology and human labor can be involved.
To get advice and ask questions, call the company’s specialists. Employees will tell you about warehouse services at the company’s sites and provide orientationprice.