Main page / Achievements / New Only Zoo store opened, ag. Stradech

New Only Zoo store opened, ag. Stradech

On April 7, 2023 JSC "Zhabinka feed mill" "BELKORM" opened a new pet store-veterinary pharmacy "ONLY ZOO" at Brest district ag. Stradech, st. Aleksandrova, 58/4.
ONLY ZOO pet store offers the widest range of pet products. Here you will find everything for keeping your pet. Low prices, goods only from reliable proven manufacturers and suppliers. Dry food for cats and dogs, feed for farm animals, birds, fish of BELKORM own production. Qualified consultants and the widest range of goods - all this in the ONLY ZOO store.
Our pet store is pleased to offer customers:
• Dry food for dogs and cats. We have food of both economy class and premium, and even super-premium.
• Vitamins for dogs and cats. In order for your pet to be healthy and energetic, he needs vitamins. The complex of vitamins will help maintain excellent health, make the coat shiny and healthy, and avoid health problems.
• Treats for dogs and cats. Treats are great for dog training or just to give your pet some extra treats.
• Bags and carriers. Another important category of pet products is carrying. If you often have to take your pet, for example, to exhibitions or to appointments with the veterinarian, then you need a convenient carrier in which your pet will feel comfortable.Our ONLY ZOO veterinary pharmacy is pleased to offer you:
• Animal care products. Here you will find pet shampoos, toothbrushes and pastes, wipes, creams, lotions and gels.
• Remedies for parasites. To protect your furry friends from ticks, which are especially dangerous in spring and summer, we offer a wide range of products. You can buy special collars, drops to be applied to the withers of the animal, as well as tablets for oral administration.
• We also sell toilets and fillers for them, diapers, bowls and racks, cleaning products, scratching posts and much more.
• For farm animals, drinkers, feeders, shells, milk powder, pet food additives are presented in a large assortment.
In our pet store you can buy feed for broilers, laying hens, piglets, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, rabbits, cows, calves, fish, produced by BELKORM.
Pet shop "ONLY ZOO" ag. Stradech, Aleksandrov str., 58/4, working for you from 9.00 to 20.00. without lunch and days off.
We invite you to shop at our ONLY ZOO store!



Anatoly Valynets

"Love at first feed! Our choice is Zhabinkovsky Feed Mill!"

Dmitry Zubkov

"The quality is top notch! The plant pleases with high-quality products and caring employees."

Anna Gudkova

"The compound feed is impeccable! Animal health is in good hands!"

Sergey Duntsov

"We recommend it with confidence! A reliable partner for all livestock farmers."

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Коллектив «Белкорм»❤️

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