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ONLY ZOO - care is easy

On March 10, 2023 JSC "Zhabinka feed mill" opened 43 pet store-veterinary pharmacy "ONLY ZOO" Brest, st. Adamkovskaya, 45/1, which means that there are more pet stores in Brest — it is more convenient to buy food, toys, and veterinary drugs for your pets.
Don't waste your time looking for pet products - come to our ONLY ZOO store. Look at all the pet products live, try them on your pet, get a consultation before you buy, select the necessary veterinary drugs.
In the "ONLY ZOO" store you can buy dry food for dogs and cats produced by "BELKORM" and the most popular brands, including different price ranges. Do not forget to please your pets with treats, vitamins, canned food. For games and fun walks, pay attention to the range of toys - mice, biters, leashes, teasers and educational toys for cats, dogs, hamsters. Organize home leisure and buy a kitten a scratching post, a dog bed or a hamster house. Travel comfortably with carriers and bags.
Do you participate in exhibitions or just like to please your pet? Then you will definitely be pleased with the choice of professional ammunition (cobra chains, leashes, collars, etc.) and grooming and care products (combs, shampoos). At ONLY you will definitely find everything you need for the successful performance of your champion pet.
We strive to be better and right now we are working on expanding the range. Because for the ONLY ZOO pet store, the health and mood of every eared, tailed, feathered, clawed, furry and scaly friend who comes to us is most important.
In the store you can buy homemade feed for chickens, laying hens, rabbits, piglets, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and fish. Drinkers, feeders, shells, milk powder, pet food additives are presented in a large assortment.
Shop «ONLY ZOO» Brest, st. Adamkovskaya, 45/1 works for you from 9.00 to 20.00. without lunch and weekends. Tel. +375 162 58 05 81, mobile phone +375297734388.
Be sure to come to the pet store, where you are welcome and truly loved! We are always glad to meet new four-legged and two-winged friends!



Anatoly Valynets

"Love at first feed! Our choice is Zhabinkovsky Feed Mill!"

Dmitry Zubkov

"The quality is top notch! The plant pleases with high-quality products and caring employees."

Anna Gudkova

"The compound feed is impeccable! Animal health is in good hands!"

Sergey Duntsov

"We recommend it with confidence! A reliable partner for all livestock farmers."

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