Main page / Achievements / BELKORM — Laureate of the "Consumer Market Leader - 2022" Award

BELKORM — Laureate of the "Consumer Market Leader - 2022" Award

Prestigious awards were presented to organizations last week in Minsk.
Among the most successful companies producing food products, goods, and providing services in the Republic of Belarus is JSC Zhabinkovsky Feed Mill (BELKORM).
The achievements of JSC “Zhabinkovsky Feed Mill” were awarded with three laureate diplomas of the competition: in the nomination “Dry food for cats” for “ONLY” - complete dry food for home-kept cats; in the "Compound Feed" nomination for compound feed for young cattle in livestock complexes aged 76-115 days inclusive KD-K-2; in the "Compound Feed" category for complete compound feed for laying hens over 47 weeks of age. "BELKORM" PK1-1.
BELKORM has been producing compound feed for more than 65 years for agricultural complexes and households. The production of food for cats and dogs is relatively new, but at the same time a very necessary direction towards import substitution and export potential. The plant has been producing food for cats and dogs since 2006, and the product line is expanding every year.
“We are pleased to note the successes of domestic manufacturers operating in the Belarusian consumer market, and we believe that the Consumer Market Leader Award has become one of the creative tools that allows us to highlight their products on store shelves and draw the attention of buyers to quality products,” said the chairman of the Award’s organizing committee , head of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Sergei Balykin. “By winning the award, businesses have the right to mark their products with a special label that makes them stand out to today’s consumers, who are spoiled for choice by a wide range of quality products.”



Anatoly Valynets

"Love at first feed! Our choice is Zhabinkovsky Feed Mill!"

Dmitry Zubkov

"The quality is top notch! The plant pleases with high-quality products and caring employees."

Anna Gudkova

"The compound feed is impeccable! Animal health is in good hands!"

Sergey Duntsov

"We recommend it with confidence! A reliable partner for all livestock farmers."

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Главный бухгалтер «Белкорм», Космачёва Елена Анатольевна, празднует свой юбилей
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Главный бухгалтер «Белкорм», Космачёва Елена Анатольевна, празднует свой юбилей

Главный бухгалтер «Белкорм», Космачёва Елена Анатольевна, празднует свой юбилей!

Искренне поздравляем и желаем крепкого здоровья, жизнелюбия, праздничного настроения. Признания и уважения коллег, и ещё больших достижений в работе!

Коллектив «Белкорм»❤️

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