Main page / Compound feed / Комбикорм для овец / КК-80 Комбикорм-концентрат для суягных и подсосных маток

KK-80 Compound feed concentrate for pregnant and lactating queens

KK-80 Compound feed concentrate for pregnant and lactating queens

KK-80 Compound feed concentrate for pregnant and lactating queens

Compound: Grain group: wheat, triticale, barley, oats, rye, Protein group: sunflower meal, soybean meal, rapeseed cake, yeast, Vitamin-mineral group: salt, chalk, phosphate, premix

Advantages: Ensures high productivity of ewes Helps increase the quantity and improve the quality of milk during lactation Satisfies the body's need for vitamins and minerals Balances the diet in terms of energy and protein Promotes growth and development of lambs Strengthens immunity

Qualitative indicators: Feed units per 100 kg – at least 85, M.d. crude protein, not less than 13.5%, M.d. crude fiber, no more than 12%, M.d. calcium, not less - 0.50%, M.d. phosphorus, not less - 0.80%, M.d. sodium, not less - 0.39%, M.d. chlorine, not less - 0.61%

Form: Granules

Storage conditions: Shelf life (2 months) Storage (store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place)

Delivery terms: Price (individual depending on composition and recipe) Pickup, delivery by road or rail